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Watershed Public Charter School operates as a non-profit public benefit organization and therefore has a governing board, the Board of Directors. Board members receive no compensation other than reimbursement of actual expenses incurred while fulfilling duties as a member of such a board. The Watershed Board is responsible for oversight of all aspects of school and community operations and ensures that the Watershed mission and vision are followed by our Charter Agreement with the Board of Education. With the Baltimore County Board of Education's unanimous vote to renew Watershed's charter for 5 years, the Board's current focus is the expansion of our current board membership, and the addition of the middle school building.
Watershed Board meetings are on the fourth Tuesday of the month at 6:00 PM EDT. The January, March and May 2025 Board Meetings will be held at the Watershed school house. February, April and June 2025 Board Meetings will be held virtually on Google Meet. The board of directors of Watershed Public Charter School values and encourages input and feedback from the public during board meetings. If you would like to make a public comment at an upcoming board meeting, email Laurel Freedman at Board members will not respond to public comments within the same board meeting except to ask clarifying questions.
When speaking, speakers are asked to give their full name and be respectful of the board and members of the public. Speakers should address the board of directors and be ready to respond to questions for clarification from the board if asked. The board does not discuss personnel matters in open board meetings. Inappropriate comments or behavior are discouraged. Inappropriate behavior is defined as insults, obscenities, or profanity, attacks against any person in their capacity, and/or physical violence or threat thereof.
Watershed Public Charter School
6946 Dogwood Rd, Windsor Mill, MD 21244